Oklahoma Tax Cuts Under Examination? What Experts Are Saying About Economic Progress? On January 29th, a special session of the Oklahoma legislature was called to order with minimal ceremony in order to lower the state’s personal income tax rate.
The governor convened the session with the intention of reducing the personal income tax rate in Oklahoma from 4.75% to 4.50%. Representative Charles McCall (R-Atoka) has signaled that the House is ready to move swiftly on tax-cutting legislation.
In a statement released in the days preceding the tax-cut session, however, Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat (R-Oklahoma City) implied that senators might attempt to impede tax-cut legislation.
Treat stated that the Senate’s stance has remained unchanged since the previous extraordinary session was convened in October. “The chair will be called upon by the Senate to use the gavel.
During a previous special session of the legislature, senators prevented any tax-cutting measures from being considered.
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A procedural move was made by the Senate on the first day of the most recent special session, which took place on Oct. 3, 2023, to adjourn sine die. This stopped the session and precluded any action on tax cuts in either body of the Legislature. Senate members’ constituents will never know their representatives’ position on tax cuts because the session was voted to conclude in less than a day by voice vote.
On the other hand, senators can gather in special sessions whenever they choose to discuss tax-cutting legislation, as the session that took place on January 29 was deferred “to the call of the chair,” which means that the discussion will continue indefinitely. Furthermore, the resolution to adjourn on January 29th was approved by a recorded vote of 30 to 13. The only party that spoke out against the adjournment motion was the Republican Party, and many of those Republicans have made their support for tax cuts clear.
Reconvening in special session allows lawmakers to adopt a tax cut considerably faster than what would occur in the normal processes of the regular legislative session, which resumes on Monday, Feb. 5. Treat recognized this in a press conference following adjournment.
We could go a little more swiftly if we reached an agreement, Treat remarked, because special sessions do not have the same bill filing deadlines.
House legislators will vote on tax-cut legislation by Wednesday, Jan. 31, according to McCall’s January 25 interview with News 9, the CBS station in Oklahoma City. The deadline for legislative action is determined by procedural rules, and the vote can only take place on that first day.
“We will be present and we will conduct the vote,” McCall said News 9.
Whenever the Oklahoma Senate convenes in extraordinary session, any legislation that has already cleared the House of Representatives will be up for quick vote.
“This is not a difficult matter,” McCall stated. “This problem has persisted for some time. What the heck is the problem?
According to Stitt, the state of Oklahoma has record savings, with billions of dollars stashed away, ready to weather any economic storm that may come their way. The worst inflation in four decades has hit Oklahoma families hard, cutting into their earning power, yet state tax collections are still going up.
According to ocpathink, A tax decrease that improves working families’ take-home pay would be preferable, according to the governor, thus he has proposed keeping state spending steady.
This is not the time to act like Santa Claus with every single federal department,” Stitt tweeted on January 18th. Tax cuts should be a top priority since Oklahomans are my first priority. In this post, we will explore “Oklahoma Tax Cuts Under Examination? What Experts Are Saying About Economic Progress?”

Natalie Clydesdale is a journalist at oklahomansdecide.org, where she covers crucial local and state news with a focus on accuracy and depth. Her extensive experience in investigative reporting ensures readers receive clear and reliable information. Follow her latest updates on Instagram.